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英汉互译经典情感语录 爱不是占有 而是欣赏

时间:2024-10-19   浏览:0次

引导语:Love is when the desire to be desired takes you so badly that you feel you could die of it.渴求被对方需要的念头热切得让人痛苦,这就是爱。 1、Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.爱让你的灵魂不再躲藏。 2、When you look at me, when you think of me, I am in paradise.你望着我,想着我时,我仿若身在天堂。 3、Live like you were dying, Love because you do.生如将逝,爱因本心 4、True love stories never have endings.真正的爱情故事永远没有结局 5、I love you. Always have. Always will.我爱你,以前如此,今后亦然。 6、Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.如相爱,请深爱,就像能到地老天荒 7、It's during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.爱的首要义务是倾听。 8、Love's a malady without a cure.爱是一种不治之症 9、Love is being stupid together.爱就是一起犯傻 10、I will part with anything for you but you.为你舍得了全世界,却舍不下你 11、Love is when the desire to be desired takes you so badly that you feel you could die of it.渴求被对方需要的念头热切得让人痛苦,这就是爱。 12、Pains of love be sweeter far than all other pleasures are.爱情的痛苦比世上所有快乐更甜美。 13、Love is the power to see similarity in the dissimilar.在差异中寻求彼此的共同点,这就是爱 14、Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.待到分别时,始知爱意深 15、It is impossible to love and to be wise.爱情中没有智者。 16、Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.爱让你的灵魂不再躲藏。 17、Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.无论如何,我会爱你如今日,直到永远。 18、The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.害怕失去之时,就是爱开始之时。 19、Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing.爱,是一个人填补了你从未察觉的心灵缺失,完善了你的精神世界。 20、Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.爱一个人的时候,他幸福你才会幸福。 21





